Our Canteen

North Ainslie Primary School’s canteen is run via Healthy Kids and is open Wednesdays to Fridays for recess and lunch for both lunch orders and over the counter sales.

To order food, the canteen team uses Flexischools. Families can put in a pre-order for either recess or lunch for their child, or children can bring money to purchase food over the counter at recess and lunch times. All orders placed beforehand should be done through Flexischools (see links below).  Recess orders should be picked up by the student from the canteen whilst lunch orders will be taken to the classrooms in baskets and distributed by the class teacher.

Both lunch orders and over the counter purchases are available to students in kindergarten to year 6. For over the counter purchases, and pick up of recess orders, there are separate lines for junior and senior school students. You can check out the menu through Flexischools.