School Board

The School Board plays a strong leadership role in the development of the school's philosophy and character. The Board comprises three members of the Parent Community, one being on Parent & Citizen Association Representative, three members of the teaching staff (one of whom is the Principal),  and co-opted members as determined by the Board.

The Board's purpose is to determine broad curriculum policy, to assess the building and equipment needs of the school, to communicate with the ACT Education Directorate, to monitor the expenditure of school funds and to develop community relationships. A regular report is presented at monthly P&C meetings. Minutes from previous meetings are available at the front office. Elected P&C members of the Board are happy to be contacted on any school matter. The Board chooses its Chair from the three parent members of the Board. The Board meets on Tuesdays at 6 pm in weeks 3 and 9 of each term.

Board Members 2024

Parent  Members

Neil  Hathaway

Sara Beckett (P&C Member)

Jodie Smith

Staff Members

Sharon Moloney

Laura  Egan-Burt