Our Curriculum

"The curriculum is all learning, academic and non-academic, that is written, taught and assessed." Making the PYP Happen, 2007.

At North Ainslie Primary School, we are guided by the Australian Curriculum Version 9. You can find the link to the full curriculum here: https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/

Being an International Baccalaureate World School, we also work within the Primary Years Programme (PYP), combining the Australian Curriculum and the transdisciplinary themes from the PYP.

Within the Australian Curriculum there are eight key learning areas. As explained above, these learning areas are not taught in isolation but rather within the transdisciplinary program of inquiry or units of work (UOI). They are:

·        English

·        Mathematics

·        Languages (French)

·        Health and Physical Education

·        Science

·        Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) (including history, geography, civics and citizenship, and economics and business)

·        Technology (both digital and design technologies)

·        The Arts (including music, drama, visual arts, media arts, and dance)

Staff at North Ainslie Primary School work in collaborative teams to plan the teaching and learning for our students. Our Primary Years Program is a transdisciplinary P-6 curriculum that is designed to be engaging, relevant, challenging, and significant. The program seeks to achieve a balance between five essential elements: the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, the development of conceptual understanding, the demonstration of positive attitudes and values, and the taking of responsible action. Content choices are guided by the Australian Curriculum in all key learning areas with teachers using the achievement standards to guide our planning, teaching and assessment.

Whenever we plan curriculum we ask three key questions as a community of learners: