Our Well-being Frameworks

North Ainslie Primary School aims to encourage and promote a positive school culture that enhances learning by maintaining a safe, respectful and supportive learning environment through consistent practice. We believe the development and demonstration of the learner profile attributes are foundational to students becoming internationally minded, active and caring community members who respect themselves, others and the world around them. As part of this focus, at North Ainslie we are:

Reflective Thinkers

Open-minded, Balanced Risk Takers

Caring, Principled Communicators

Knowledgeable Inquirers

Students are supported to learn and enact these attributes through the explicit teaching of each attribute, acknowledgements when they are seen to display these attributes, and clear expectations of what each of these attributes look like in the school, classrooms, and playground.

Our Gang Gang mascots, Axel Feathers and Roxxy, are around the school and support children to engage and remember our expectations.

We use a Restorative Practices Framework to support our students to repair relationships when things go wrong, and to engage in problem-solving conversations, or help solve interpersonal concerns.  These are guided by staff and children are fully supported throughout the process.

We also use the Zones of Regulation across the whole school. This aims to foster self regulation and emotional management for our students. It uses a common language that is understood across our school. This program aims to develop students' understanding of their emotions and the strategies that work to support their self regulation.

The Education Directorate has a range of resources to support families and students will well-being on their website which you can access here: Wellbeing Support Resources for students and families - Education (act.gov.au)